lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Taxing the Hidden Economy

There is a radical proposal in Iceland to restore the economy and rescue the nation from bankruptcy: expand the tax base to recover revenue from the extensive underground economy.

Tax the fucking elves!

Translation by Alda at the Iceland Weather Report

Yeah! The Free Ride Is Over.

Party is over, Elves!

Income and capital gains taxes on the elves - especially the High Light Elves, that should cover the repayments to the UK all by themselves. This applies to all the Hidden Folk.

Ghosts, zombies and others in the afterlife will be charged a Death Tax.

Dwarves will, finally, pay VAT!
That should level the playing field for domestic human manufacturers, as well as provide a healthy revenue stream.

The Land Wights will pay resource use taxes and energy extraction fees, while migrating fowl and other transients will pay transit taxes as well as occupation taxes for those overnighting or on extended stays.

Trolls, remain exempt while a cost-benefit analysis of collection costs is performed.

from Baggalútur

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