miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Arlington County calls on the Federal government to enact comprehensive immigration reform

September 29, 2009


WHEREAS, in Arlington, we continue to believe in a community where people trust their government and each other, a community that welcomes and values all of its residents, treating them with human dignity and respect, regardless of immigration status; and

WHEREAS, the Arlington County Board adopted a “Resolution Supporting Arlington’s Newcomers” on September 18, 2007; and

WHEREAS, our nation’s immigration system continues to be broken; and

WHEREAS, no meaningful legislative progress has been made on comprehensive immigration reform legislation since September 2007; and

WHEREAS, the failure to achieve comprehensive reform undermines respect for all immigrants and engenders an atmosphere of divisiveness and mistrust that is unhealthy for our society, and especially harmful for a diverse community like Arlington; and

WHEREAS, the current immigration system results in a shadow economy of fear and exploitation that is detrimental to all; and

WHEREAS, the integration of immigrants in a rational and legal manner is critical to ensuring that our county and states continue to have strong economies;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Arlington County Board reaffirms its Resolution of September 18, 2007, which is attached and incorporated herein;

and again calls on the Federal government to enact comprehensive immigration reform that will include strong border security and provide sufficient resources to ensure an effective and timely processing of those eligible for legal permanent residency or naturalization; and

Be it Further Resolved that the Arlington County Board again calls upon federal and state officials to enact policies that promote the integration of immigrants into society in a way that provides procedures for employment and access to services for which they are eligible; and

Be it Further Resolved that Arlington County continues to express its appreciation to all people from around the country and around the world who have made Arlington their home and in so doing have helped to make Arlington one of the most vibrant, safe, and economically successful communities in the United States.

Source: Arlington County

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