sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

America’s ’shadow economy’ is bigger than you think – and growing « NARMER’S PAGE

America’s ’shadow economy’ is bigger than you think – and growing « NARMER’S PAGE

NEW YORK — A white sheet of paper tacked to a fence outside a Harlem church has one line written on it: Carlos lite-mover – mudanzas. It has a drawing of a truck and a phone number.

A man’s voice answers the number. Yes, he’ll use his truck to move people’s belongings. It’s a way to earn some cash. Is this a registered business he reports for taxes? No answer. He quickly hangs up.

Inside the church, a moseying custodian says certainly, many of the women who come to the Thursday night meeting have informal businesses. They sell food and makeup from their homes.

A grandmotherly woman with a sweet smile arrives. “No,” she says, that’s not true. She quickly shakes her head with a furrowed brow.

(Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/File)

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